Category Archives: Ilhan Omar, New Congress, Muslims, Nationalists

In Response to Dumpy’s Video relating Congresswoman Ilhan Omar with 9/11 video.

Yes, she used an unfortunate choice of words, perhaps, but the sniggering and fear-mongering and the parsing of her words by our leaders in Washington have taken my breath away. The video was sent VIA TWITTER by the ever distinguished & mature US President. I saw the news clip just after she said it, and knew this would provide a great talking point and provide the Republicans with a perfect target. I don’t know anything about Ms. Omar except that she is a progressive Democrat đŸ„° and she is a womanđŸ„° from Somalia😳 and is a Muslim😳, so my reaction to this whole thing is not about her politics-she was voted into office by a large constituency, so I can’t defend or condemn her for anything she says; she is passionate about her citizens and defends her faith, which are guaranteed rights by way of the constitution, if I remember correctly?

But the obviously venomous hatred in the posting of this video, and many of the responses were so ugly against HER that I had to respond, but I don’t know how to do it so that my tweets come up in any sort of order. So…here’s all of it at once:

What a bunch of f-ing hypocrites! You stand up for this pig of a who has had his son-in-law schmoozing with the Saudi’s since elected..a guy with no proper security clearance, btw… and Dumpy goes & plays with Putin, Jung-Un, and you TRUST him to do what is right?

And you vilify Ms. Omar because she’s Muslim and angry for the death threats and harassment she’s gotten since 9/11? Because you folks aren’t intelligent enough to know the difference between a Saudi terrorist and a Somali-AMERICAN trying to do what is right?

Oh, I see, she’s a Muslim…and she’s a threat to you how? Because you’ve bought into the all-Muslims-are-Evil stereotype that our liar in chief has been selling you so you will stay afraid? Even as he is talking about KNOWN murderous dictators as if he were a ….teenager with his first crush… And to those of you who are stupid enough to deny that we have our own, home-grown terrorists in the US? Remove head from ass, please. There are black churches, temples, and mosques being blown up or shot up or vandalized every day here…

…by good, ol’ white “Christian” bigots who have bought it too. How is it you all can accept that hideous video, blame all MUSLIMS and call them evil when you don’t blame all the “pure-hearted” Christians responsible for Oklahoma City, & other terrorist acts?

…or you don’t look at Columbine & Newtown & Parkland& Las Vegas and hold every single WHITE AMERICAN who owns a gun for those atrocities? In fact, you make EXCUSES for those people! You say, “ well, one bad apple…” Or two. Or ten. Or thirty….”not everyone with a gun does that”…

…well then, maybe you should rethink that “all Muslims are evil” thing. And if you are one of those sick victims of the “White is Right” movement, pouting b/c your “rights” to be assholes are being ridiculed for the idea that 1) white people are discriminated against, and…2) that Donald Trump gives a flying f-k about you, you are too stupid to even be a part of any argument about “good and evil”…because you obviously cant tell the difference.

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Filed under Dumpy, Trump, politics, elections,, Ilhan Omar, New Congress, Muslims, Nationalists, In the news, Personal politics