I don’t know if or who I will work for in the 2020 election, but of course, it will be ANYONE other than the dolt currently inhabiting the White House. 

This is a dangerous time for all of us, and for our kids and grandkids and their families onward.  I’ll draw your attention to the hearings to determine if the “president” should be impeached and the venom being spewed by the conservative party threatens to infect millions of followers thanks to the support and misinformation being spread by conservative politicians and media talking heads.  They claim that the only reason the Dems are moving to impeachment is because we are ‘sore losers” and we just “hate Trump” because Hilary Clinton lost.  Nope.  We Dems are aching for impeachment, or we have learned to “hate Trump” because of who he is, and because of what he has done.  

The Right continues to call the hearings a “witch hunt” and that he has done NOTHING wrong. They have claimed that he is a president that has been CHOSEN BY GOD to lead this country according to his whims and interests. What kind of heresy are evangelical Christians hanging on to? As I write this today, the leaders of our longest held allies- France, England, and Canada- have been caught laughing at and making fun of our clown-in-chief.  I don’t know about you all, but the fact that Donald Trump is being ridiculed by the likes of Boris Johnson is just plain humiliating. But Trump’s sycophants have been so successful in redirecting the attention of the public toward unrelated matters at the behest and planning of former-KGB-agent and President of Russia Vladimir Putin that many are actually falling for it.  And Tucker Carlson exclaims on his own tv show that he “doesn’t care about Ukraine” and that he’s “rooting for Russia”! For RUSSIA. Remember when Russia was our greatest adversary? Oh yeah…they still are.  

Remember that what you are hearing from most of the media is incorrect. Before you decide to cast a vote, before you make up your minds about the “fairness” of what is being done or said, check the facts. Nixon quit before he could be impeached for attempting to cover up the actions of his minions; Clinton was impeached for getting a b…-j.. and lying about it.  Trump is selling out the sanctity of our elections for MONEY and POWER. That (excuse the awful pun) trumps any of the previous impeachment efforts, as I see it.  This is not about any other President. It’s not about feelings that have been hurt. This is about Donald Trump and the vicious attacks he has made against our nation and its people. In a scary mirror of Nixon’s Mitchell, Haldeman, Erlichman, and Liddy, Trump has his Barr, Pompeo, Nunes and Miller.  Sadly, it doesn’t look like Rudy is going to be our John Dean.

I believe that nothing this administration had done has been in the best interests of our people-not our parents, our children, or our grandchildren, but maybe if we stand together, look beyond political interest, and act with love, we will save our futures and bring us closer to the most important goal-a peaceful world.®

Media Bias/Fact Check News


December 5, 2019 · 3:56 am

2 responses to “IMPEACHMENT

  1. Joe Anderson

    So my biggest ask is this: If Hilary had been sworn in as President and had done the exact same things as Trump, would the Republicans still be screaming ‘witch hunt’? Would they be saying there is nothing wrong with asking a foreign power to dig up dirt on Trump as he prepared to run in 2020? If people are actually honest with themselves they know the answer to that question. I also believe that most Dems would shake their heads in shame after all this factual information has come out and would in fact be ready to impeach Hilary. True character is doing what’s right when no one is looking. I hope that at least one republican Senator will as Mookie said: “Do the right thing!”
    Great seeing you two over the weekend! Love ya sis!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi…I just got cut off (by my computer slipping off of my lap) in the middle of a very profound response to your two comments. Now I’m frustrated and mad and I’m just going to tell you thank you for reading my little ranting page, and for your comments (I always knew I liked you, my little brother!) and agree with everything you said. But enough preaching to the choir….we need to shake some sense into the “other side” somehow. Right. That’ll happen….


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