Libs and Cons…Part 3

The Republicans, thanks to Trump and the dirty and underhanded and lauded “evil political genius” Mitch McConnell, have gotten what they wanted.There were actually TWO goals they were focused on, and because we were all focused on the antics of an idiotic President, they got both of them.They vowed to overturn Roe, to send the decision about women’s bodily choice to the State legislatures, and have been rewarded, hopefully temporarily, by Republicans in as many as 46 states. Some states reacted with total bans on the procedure, some having exclusions for rape, incest, or life of the mother. For that, the Republicans can probably thank the religious communities for the fanatical support of such a reversal.  The puzzle for me remained, “How can supposedly religious people support the likes of a filthy, foul-mouthed liar, cheat, and philanderer like Donald Trump?” And then, just recently, a Republican woman stood up in front of a crowd and admitted, “I don’t care about anything else, I just want the Senate…that’s all…I just want control of the Senate”.

Ah, yes. The Senate. Why? Because if Mitch McConnell can control the Senate again, then he controls what things get bought up for votes. And he can control who gets priority seating when deciding on Judges. And under Donald Trump, they appointed 234 federal judges, including three to the U.S. Supreme Court. All of them have lifetime appointments. So in addition to the Supreme Court being politicized by the Republicans, so are the other judgeships in The Courts of Appeals, Common Pleas, Military, and so on.  And that is why, when McConnell was the Majority Leader in the Senate, he withheld all petitions for judges (among other things) and allowed a great many judgeships to remain vacant under Barack Obama, including the Supreme Court, a position which Trump filled with Neil Gorsuch, then added Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett, two judges who lied during their confirmation hearings, swearing that they believed that Roe v Wade was “settled law” and would have no reason or desire to re-litigate it.  

When you are appointed to the highest court in the land, the Court that governments around the world hope to be able to emulate, and that appointment comes from the biggest proven liar ever witnessed, I guess the logic is that its ok to lie to the US Senate in order to get what it is you want. (Even though it is illegal!)

When you are told over and over that the election was fraudulent (a lie) and that “there will be hell to pay”, (Steve Bannon, Trump, RogerStone, General Mike Flynn and his brother, etc.) I guess that means that there is a call for revolution. The revolution that will remind the “others” that you are the “chosen”, and that will serve to cement that position, and you’d better be prepared for violence. 

When you are reminded again and again that everyone-not just caucasians-are demanding a voice in the governments of their towns, cities, states, or federal governments. They tell you those people are dangerous and will make you “slaves” to some imaginary socialist scheme, and you will be “replaced”. Maybe they will treat you the way they have been treated since arriving here as slaves or butchered for their land and resources, then I suppose it’s understandable that you feel righteous in your hate for them, and that you prepare to hurt them before they can hurt you. It doesn’t matter that it’s not true. What does truth have to do with any of it? 

Your “truth” is validated when the media tells you every night and most of every day that your whiteness makes you the best, that you are exceptional, but that there are “lesser” people just waiting at the gate if you even acknowledge their humanity, so you’d better be prepared to defend your “supremacy”. And you will do as your leader wants, whether it means storming the Capitol or shooting up a church for the “cause” of white supremacy. You vow to go to jail for your leader, even die for him, because he is the one who understands you, who loves you, who is proud of you, even when you do things you know are sinful, because he is the righteous messenger of god.   

Well, then, I suppose, in honor of that unlikely Southern progressive Democrat, Lyndon Johnson, you have let that leader and their sycophants pick your pockets as well as your brains, and what you ended up losing is your soul. And when you have no soul, you endanger us all. 

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October 31, 2022 · 6:00 pm

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