Monthly Archives: June 2019

You Saw a Monster?

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June 30, 2019 · 9:11 pm

Enough of the Right Claiming to Know What the Left is About…

(In response to comments on a strange little website called “Patriots4Freedom” about Dumpy’s bang-up job as President.)

You folks who refuse to see the danger this President poses to the democracy of our country are amazingly agile at finding excuses for him and for defaming “the Left” at every opportunity, and it is just stupid.  The Left “…no longer cares for the truth or the well being of most”…??

Ahahaha! Wow…that really takes some brass ones to even consider saying or putting to print. This President has LIED...PROVABLY lied-thousands of times in the span of just over 2 years, and has repeatedly exposed and expressed his loathing or disinterest in anyone not named Trump or anyone who disagrees with him. His policies, if you can find any, are not for the betterment of the world, they are for the betterment of his own bank accounts and those of his similarly afflicted family and associates. His choices for cabinet are the complete opposite of what’s best for the people of our nation…and are clearly made for approval and “luv” from dictators and other impudent, out-of- touch corporate royals. None of them gives a shit about you or me. And still, you line up behind his mammoth ass and kiss it while he convinces you to believe that those of us on your left are your “enemies” rather than fellow Americans. 

You say, “the Left is caught up in a religious crusade whose meme is not only that the end justifies the means, but the end is a pyramid of power for its own sake as those who sit atop will be the high priests of entry to heaven and hell.”  

Now wait a minute. First, my experience has been that it is YOU, on the Right, who are the ones judging who goes to heaven or hell. We are smart enough to understand that those kinds of decisions are far above our pay grade,  Also, we are NOT the folks who have appropriated and weaponized religion. A pyramid of power?! On the Left!!?  Have you ever actually talked to a Lefty? Can you really not see, or is it your choice to not see that the real PYRAMID OF POWER starts with Trump, moves to his children, on to his circle of corrupt and ELITIST cabinet members, then disgraces himself and us…both of us, you and me…by embracing and approving of murderous dictators around the world, all while blowing off our greatest allies and claiming that he is ‘cleaning out the swamp’

You have a lot of nerve suggesting the Left has any interest in your “religious crusade”… or in becoming “high priests of entry into heaven or hell.”  The way you people have appropriated religion or Christianity as your own, private hate group to beat the life out of American liberty is shameful. There is very little in the “Christ” part of the Bible that encourages us to hate one another, or that shows any patience for bullies who attempt to hurt others. That you are willing to accept this liar in chief as a “man of god” would be hysterically funny if it weren’t so Twilight Zone weird. That you would emulate such a vulgar hustler and further his propaganda against entire groups of humans, including people of your own country, neighborhoods, even your own families is surely not very “Christian”?

The condescension of your language in describing “the Left… frolicking…pursuing the power over life and death”[because we] “cannot create life, [so we] glory in ….the taking of life” is such a stupid trope it’s ridiculous. I don’t know where you get the idea that we lefties “cant create life”…? Really? As far as I know, we lefties are about as fertile as you right wingers, and most of the lefties I know have lovely, strong families. We also are generally the ones whose goals are to create BETTER life for those around us, through music, art, poetry, literature, theater; by working to ensure our neighbors have enough food to survive, enough heat in winter, clean air to breathe, clean water to drink, health care to protect themselves and their loved ones, information about ways to prevent having more children than they can possibly afford, and offering help, counseling, guidance and hope when they need it. 

We are NOT the folks who resist having employers provide a decent living minimum wage. We are NOT the folks who believe that health care is a privilege for the wealthy and not a right for every citizen.  We are NOT the folks who believe that destroying the Earth God gave us is our right because He said that we”have dominion” over it and that means we can strip from it every mineral and resource, pollute the waters and air, too,  because even if we do f–k it up, He will just come in and “fix it”. or maybe He’ll just call it a day, get Armageddon going and take all of you self appointed “good guys” up in the Rapture and kill off the rest of us ne’er do wells and our stinking planet.  None of that sounds like a very respectful way of treating such a gift. 

In the meantime, we Lefties are the folks who do NOT allow an entire AMERICAN city to languish in the brutality of poison in its drinking water. We are the folks who do NOT allow an entire island of AMERICAN CITIZENS to suffer the aftershock of the worst hurricane in the island’s history, withholding resources desperately needed to survive, including food, water, electricity, or medicine because “it costs too much”, and anyway, that nasty mayor of San Juan was disrespectful to Donny Dump”.  

No, no, no!….I’m so sick of you folks passing yourselves off as the truly righteous, truly believing, truly favored children of God because you want to “save the millions of babies” lost to abortion around the world.  Your claims of being the party of the “right to life” is another one of those despicable Orwellian doublespeak terms that props you up and allows you to feel morally superior because it’s all about “babies”.  And it’s bullshit. 

First of all, I realize that refusing to believe that our planet is in climate crisis leaves room for you to dispute the notion that everyone should “go forth and multiply”. But the truth is, we are dangerously close to the point that we are going to run out of clean water and healthy food, among all other resources.  Pretty soon, rather than going to war for oil, we will be fighting for something as simple and absolutely crucial as WATER. But that’s a whole different discussion.

Secondly, the number of “right to lifers” who decry the importance of abortion rights & care for women-real, live, sentient, breathing humans-and then find themselves wholly advocating for it when their mistresses or daughters find themselves “in distress” is absurd.  Even PRIESTS and pastors who diddle in the parish pool are known to send those “mistakes” to the local hospitals to get rid of the evidence of their own duplicity…they don’t use the clinics, of course, because that would mean they were just as “dirty” as the women who depend on them for help because they have no other means…as in, the wealthy politicians and the piously religious go to hospitals and abort the pregnancy in private so nobody who might pay attention knows WHY they are there. Could be, oh, I don’t know…a kidney infection? Bladder? Anxiety? Exhaustion? Because it’s ok if you LIE about that in order to… not upset your fellow hypocrites? 

And just in case you missed it, the Left, despite what your faithless leader has told you, do NOT want open borders, we do NOT want criminals and rapists and drug dealers coming into our country….why on earth would you believe such a stupid thing?   We welcome our suffering neighbors to the south and Middle East seeking the safety of the US and who already love our country and are willing to work to become a part of it. We welcome those traveling to the US in order to find work, to find a better life for their families. We DO want sensible, humane regulations and immigration protocols that those in DC making the laws deem important enough to fully fund and operate. 

We do NOT want to take your stupid guns…(although I’m beginning to think that maybe we really SHOULD…) we just want to make as sure as is possible that those owning guns have the proper background, training, mental health, and a healthy respect for life-human and animal- before they are allowed to possess an instrument designed for one specific purpose–to KILL.  We DO believe that those of you who are paranoid enough to think those are bad things are probably so vehement against regulating them that you know you wouldn’t pass the test. (And those are your pals with entire armories of weapons.) 

So what do Lefties really want? Here’s a sample:

  • We DO want to provide an evidence-based, standard, guided education for our children and vaccines to keep them safe from life-threatening illness while they are in their classrooms. 
  • We DO want the children coming into the classroom fully fed and able to think about the curriculum and not about how hungry they are. 
  • We DO want our first-responders to be able to help in a crisis with the proper, workable equipment, including overdose antidotes for those in trouble, and proper training and social awareness to not make a crisis worse.  
  • We DO want our roads paved and maintained, access to the internet and other technology for everyone, safe and secure cyber environment free from propaganda within and outside our country
  • We DO want everyone to be able to choose their educational path, and when they do, 
  • We DO want them to be able to support themselves with the dignity of a living wage, proper health care, medical/parental leave when needed, the ability to work a 40-hour work week and time off to be with family. 
  • We DO want to ensure the rights of every American citizen to vote-a constitutionally guaranteed right- and to have their votes counted; 
  • We DO want to ensure the rights of every human being to love who they love, and to protect those who don’t fit a narrow societal definition of family, marriage, identity or self worth.
  • We DO want to know that the food we eat, the water we drink, and the air we breathe are safe and not lethal; 
  • We DO want to be able to preserve the beauty of nature-the mountains, the oceans, the trees, the cities- and not have those beautiful reminders desecrated by spilled toxic goo or melting ice caps or flooding rivers brought on by industries with a singular, mercenary goal…MORE MORE MORE!
  • Finally, we DO want to preserve LIFE… life that is living, life that thinks, emotes, loves and is loved.  We DO want to preserve the lives of women with families, with hardships, with aspirations, and who may have made mistakes.  And just so you know, there isn’t a woman on this planet who WANTS to have to make that kind of choice. NOT ONE. Even “Lefty” women don’t “frolic” or find joy in such a painful choice.  But IT IS HER BODY, IT IS HER CHOICE. Those of you who find such religious justification for denying women those choices are pretty pompous in your belief that its up to YOU to decide what happens between a woman, her partner, her doctor, and her GOD. Your lack of faith in your God’s justice is further proof of your own inflated self-importance. Who are you? Are you so convinced of your own significance that you think you can make God’s decisions for Him? How does that work, anyway? Humble servant or vain usurper?

So you can take your sanctimonious ignorance about who we are versus the bully you choose to follow blindly, and you can choose to think about your life, your ideas, your actions and prejudices, allow your eyes and your minds to open,  or you can continue ignore the obvious dangerous impulses of the radical, bloviating Right causing growing levels of hate, misogyny, prejudice, superstition, and ignorance. That misery is being fueled by those YOU choose to revere in spite of the hate, superstition, loathing they feel for YOU. One way, we can go back to having conversations; the other, we can go back to war. 

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June 3, 2019 · 5:25 am